Morocco Bucket List

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In Morocco, there are many incredible experiences that you should add to your bucket list. Here are some of the top ones:

  1. Ride a camel across the desert
  2. Watch the sunrise over the Atlas mountains
  3. Experience a Hammam
  4. Drink thé à la menthe
  5. Stargaze in the Sahara
  6. Watch the sunset over Marrakech
  7. Attend the Almond Blossom Festival
  8. Browse the souks
  9. Visit Ait Ben Haddou
  10. Eat tagine
  11. Go to Chefchaouen
  12. Visit the Hassan II Mosque

Riding a camel into the desert at sunset is an unforgettable experience. The night sky filled with stars creates a magical atmosphere. Accommodation and food are well-planned by the tour guide, and traditional Berber dancing is a delightful evening activity. Sand surfing in the dunes is also a fun option.

Watching the sunrise over the Atlas mountains is a beautiful way to start the day. The views from the top are breathtaking.

A visit to a Hammam (Turkish bath) is a relaxing experience that should not be missed. After a camel tour, indulge in a full body massage with local Argan oil. It’s a unique experience, but be prepared to step out of your comfort zone as nudity is common (segregated by sex). There are luxurious Hammams, like the one at la Mamounia hotel, and local ones where you can access the sauna, get a full body scrub, and enjoy a massage at a more affordable price.

Drinking thé à la menthe is a popular tradition in Morocco. It’s a sign of hospitality and is often offered to visitors as a welcoming gesture.

Sahara desert, Morocco

Stargazing in the Sahara desert is a peaceful and awe-inspiring experience. It’s a chance to disconnect from the materialistic world and appreciate the beauty of the night sky.

Watching the sunset over Marrakech is a must-do. Although there are no designated vantage points in the flat city, many buildings have rooftop terraces with stunning views. The Maison de la Photographie is recommended for its rooftop view and fascinating photography gallery.

If you visit Morocco in late February, you might have the chance to witness the Almond Blossom Festival in Tafraoute. It showcases traditional Moroccan folk music and dance.

The souks of Morocco offer a unique and chaotic shopping experience. The bustling alleys are filled with the scent of spices and colorful fabrics. Exploring the souks is a feast for the senses.

Ait Ben Haddou is a UNESCO World Heritage site with stunning mud-like architecture. It’s a popular filming location for movies like “The Mummy” and “Gladiator.”

Trying the traditional Moroccan dish, tagine, is a must. It is full of flavor and typically served in a ceramic pot. Don’t forget to also taste the simple yet delicious dessert of sliced oranges sprinkled with cinnamon and mint leaves.

Although I haven’t personally visited Chefchaouen, also known as the blue city, it remains high on my bucket list. Located close to the Spanish border, it might be more convenient to visit when in the south of Spain. Exploring stunning cities like Seville and Granada can be combined with a trip to Chefchaouen.