Cape Verde Photo Diary

by admin

I recently returned from a vacation to Cape Verde with my Mom and my brother, and I’m already missing it. The trip was relatively low-key, which was intentional. Normally, I’m not a fan of vacations that mainly involve lounging by the pool or beach and relaxing. I tend to be more active and always seek out adventure. Sitting still in the name of relaxation isn’t really my thing. I believe in making the most of every opportunity and avoiding the regret of missing out. However, this time around, it was surprisingly enjoyable to take some time to rest and recharge under the sun, by the sea, and with good food. After months of intense work, it was exactly what I needed. My brother kept us entertained and laughing throughout the trip, as he always does. Our spirits were high, and it was fantastic to spend quality time together as a family.

Our days would begin with fresh watermelon and oranges for breakfast, and end with a couple of beers while watching the sunset on the beach. Of course, it wasn’t just about sunbathing. We swam with sharks, snorkeled in the beautiful reefs, and explored rock pools. The Cape Verdean islands offer plenty of water activities. Visiting a new place always triggers my wanderlust, and I left Cape Verde with a list of new locations to add to my travel bucket list. I now have a strong desire to visit more of mainland Africa. Places like Zanzibar, Kenya, and Mozambique have quickly climbed to the top of my list. Did you know that there is a naturally pink lake in Senegal? Look up Lake Retba and tell me it doesn’t make you want to book a flight to Africa right away.