by admin

With an insatiable wanderlust that has taken me all over the world, I now work remotely as a photographer, travel writer and social media consultant.

I’ve always had a deep love for France. I was lucky enough to live out my dream of studying in Paris for three wonderful years, immersing myself in the culture. Wandering the city’s galleries and parks, getting lost down charming back alleys, and taking day trips to nearby castles filled my days with joy. Of all the places I’ve been, Paris still holds the key to my heart.

Since then, I’ve spent time discovering every corner of Europe – from Cappadocia’s fairy tale landscape to Croatia’s rugged coves and sparkling blue waters.

Now my restless feet are calling me towards new continents and adventures further afield. I’ve tried the 9-to-5 routine but quickly realized my spirit is too free, my mind too curious, and my dreams too big to stay in one place. It’s time to answer adventure’s call once more.

My hope is that through my writing and photography I can inspire in you a passion for travel. Keep dreaming big and stay grounded in the moment. As someone wise once said, our experiences shape our character and our stories shape our lives. So go explore the world, collect stories as you go, and become the person you dream of being. Wherever you travel, I’ll be right there with you for the journey.

You can get in touch by email at [email protected]